The war is over. Her heroes are forgotten. Until one accidental discovery ...
After the destruction of the Earth, humanity created a fighting elite to save its species. Improved human beings with implanted enhancements. One of them is Idris.
Idris had not aged or fallen since he had been transformed in the war. In the silence of the universe, they were able to communicate with the enemy. Then their alien aggressors, the Architects, simply disappeared - and Idris and his kind became obsolete. One of the heroes of humanity is now hacking on an independent lifeboat to avoid the attention of larger powers.
Now, fifty years later, Idris and his crew have discovered something strange that is abandoned in space. It's obviously the work of the Architects - but are they coming back? And if so, why? Idris and his crew, haunted by gangsters, cults and governments, rush across the galaxy in search of answers. He now owns something of incalculable value and for which many would kill.
After eighty years of fragile peace, the Architects are back. And they trigger, they can destroy and devour whole planets. In the past, the Creators' artifacts - the remnants of a long-extinct civilization - have helped save the world from destruction. This time, the Architects have found a way around these protective relics. No planet safe.
Human colonies face imminent extinction and are confused. While some believe that the only way to stop the Architects is a united front of all galactic civilizations, others insist that humanity should fight alone. And there are those who seek to benefit from a fragmented war policy - even as Architects are fast approaching.
Idris, who has spent decades fleeing the horrors of his past, finds himself again in the midst of war. As a mediator, he could be one of the few to reverse the course of the war. With a handful of allies, he seeks a weapon that could push the Architects and save the galaxy. But in order to do so, he must return to the nightmare of space, where his mind has been broken and transformed.
What Idris finds there will change everything.
published by Planeta9 together with Triton
Idris Telemmier, hrdina a vyvrhel, mediátor, který dokázal zastavit Architekta.
Nalezl způsob, jak ukončit válku s Architekty jednou pro vždy. Dožije se toho lidstvo?
Nesmiřitelní, neznámí, nepřátelští mimozemšťané z jiné dimenze jsou zpět a rozsévají hrůzu. Idris odhalil největší slabinu Architektů, tajemství, které by mohlo zvrátit osud prohrávajícího lidstva. Jeho objev je nejsilnější zbraní, jakou lidé disponují. Avšak galaktické velmoci raději hájí své vlastní zájmy a záměry, než aby se jednotně postavili společnému nepříteli.
Lidské i nelidské frakce bojují o kontrolu nad Idrisovým objevem, zatímco galaxie se zmítá v sebedestruktivní válce. Další velkou překážkou proti hrozbě z vesmíru je sám Idris. Je si vědom, že Architekti jsou navzdory své obrovské moci pouhým nástrojem vyšší inteligence.
Skutečná hrozba, jejich vládci, sídlí hluboko v neprostoru, kde čas běží jinak a realita není taková, jaká se zdá. Vládci nestvůrnosti si právě začínají uvědomovat drzou existenci lidstva a podnikají kroky k tomu, aby tuto ohavnou mrzutost navždy sprovodili ze světa.